From Gutenberg to the Internet, technology is a driver of education and research
The evolution of technology operates in synergy with higher education and research: the more equal our technology to the challenges of cheap and fast communication, the farther our reach and the more we get to learn from each other.
Read MoreResearch supervision is a vital underpinning of research institutions
Higher Education InsightAcademic supervision is a vital underpinning of research institutions, but recognition is not always concomitant with the influence of the role. Keeping on top of training and development is more important than we think.
Scrapping ERA would be inimical to universities’ interests—here’s why.
Higher Education InsightERA may be an imperfect framework but as proving value attains more eminence by the day, research evaluation becomes critical to universities’ interests.
Could improving wellbeing for academic staff elevate student experience?
Higher Education InsightThe burdens of student support services would appear to position academic staff wellness in opposition to student wellness, but the research suggests they are interdependent
What is the real cost of your research?
Higher Education InsightIt’s hard to say how much a research project is really going to cost, but there are some inelastic expenses that can be counted on and factored in automatically to improve the accuracy and reliability of your costings.
We need to look at research regulation in Australia
Higher Education InsightAustralia’s research is one of our great strengths. But the challenges of managing our research are many and complex.
5 Surprising Australian Technology Innovations
Higher Education InsightAustralia is not typically considered a technology giant. When we think of technology innovation, we probably think about Silicon Valley, modern social media, cryptocurrencies and self-driving cars.