The University of Adelaide has upgraded to RME 7

The upgrade to RME 7 is a big step for the Go8 university. The university’s research systems team have collaborated extensively with ResearchMaster to ensure a smooth roll-out across their systems.

The upgraded system offers individual researchers an improved experience in applying for funding and ethics clearance, and better visibility over their own activities. It also endows research administration with a much-improved user experience owing to increased configurability of the interface that was implemented from RME 6 following a process of consultation with our clients.

The University of Adelaide conducts a high volume of animal-related research, and subsequently is ResearchMaster’s biggest user of animal ethics eForms. The upgraded system provides the research management team with a thorough and holistic view of their activities, including ethics applications, projects and reports, which empowers them to make more informed decisions.

But more notable even than the general product improvements in the upgrade was the service provided by the ResearchMaster technical support team.

“I think both teams learned from one another throughout the upgrade process. From planning to go-live, a lively sense of collaboration underpinned the success of the project,” says University of Adelaide’s Research Information and Systems Manager, Andrew Graham.

The ResearchMaster team has been equally delighted to work with the staff at the University of Adelaide on delivering this upgrade. “It’s always a great opportunity for learning when we get to work so directly with the end users of our service,” says Paul Nepoleon, Support Lead at ResearchMaster. “An upgrade project like this gets us insight into how our systems are really experienced on the ground.”

The improved speed and flexibility of the upgraded system will also help research administration adjust rapidly to any new changes that occur in the broader research landscape. The direction of such changes isn’t always predictable, but they are particularly likely in the coming months, with the Federal Government’s Universities Accord expected before the end of the year.

ResearchMaster takes the hard work out of research administration, so universities can focus instead on research excellence. Find out more here.


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