2025 QS World University Rankings by Subject Released
Earlier this month the 2025 QS World University Rankings by Subject were released. The 2025 rankings are happy news for Australian universities: despite the narrowing of the international education revenue stream that has beset them over the preceding five years, they made their regular — expected, certainly, but still gratifying — good showing.
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Innovation and Technology in the Australian Context
Higher Education InsightHow is technology innovation important for Australia? Technology innovation in Australia is vital to our growth and prosperity as a nation — it’s well established as one of the most important roles research plays in our economy. But historically, our ability to innovate in a way that is meaningful and impactful has faced certain challenges.…

Join the ResearchMaster team at ARMS 2024!
NewsThe Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) Conference 2024 is right around the corner. Taking place in sunny Darwin, at the well-appointed Darwin Convention Centre, this year’s conference theme is “Global and local research partnerships for a sustainable future.”

ResearchMaster Enterprise RME7.11 is here.
NewsResearchMaster is delighted to announce that ResearchMaster Enterprise (RME) RME7.11 has been released. This new version incorporates a range of updates and improvements driven both by our product roadmap and by feedback the RM team has received from our users.

Australian Research Highlights
HDRSpeaking internationally, Australian universities tend to punch above their weight when it comes to research outputs: they consistently rank highly in OECD per capita outputs, above even other strongly performing systems across Europe and North America.

What do the QS rankings by subject measure?
Higher Education InsightDespite their aim of offering easy comparison to prospective students, rankings are heavily weighted towards measuring research reputation rather than student experience or teaching quality.

The ResearchMaster Team Congratulates Winner of the 2024 ACGR Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision.
NewsResearchMaster was the very first corporate organisation to enter into a formal partnership with ACGR, and we’re proud to have been supporting leadership in graduate research ever since.

Could an AI win a competitive research grant?
Higher Education InsightWe at ResearchMaster certainly use technology to help streamline the processes that are at the core of the competitive grants process, like smart costing and pricing tools and automatically filling e-forms. But the role of technology in knowledge work remains contested. Criticisms range from fears that AI will allow lazy shirkers to offload their work onto technology with nobody the wiser, to the evergreen anxiety that we will all soon be replaced by robots.

A new ERA of research quality assessment exercises will demand future-ready universities
Research AdministrationThe recent release of the Australian Universities Accord Final Report has created a mix of consternation and cautious optimism among industry commentators. While the very welcome refrain of ‘more funding!’ echoes through the report like a drum beat, other elements, like the proposed Higher Education Futures Fund, have attracted criticism from universities.

World class research deserves world class support.
Higher Education InsightThe world moves forward, understanding improves, and research needs become ever more sophisticated. As research administrators and researchers alike have pointed out for years, the needs of the sector evolve as research sophistication increases. Bluntly put, more sophistication demands more funds. But it’s not just the rising costs of facilities, staff and materials, or the…

A brief review of peer review: Where did it come from? Where is it going?
Higher Education InsightPeer review has a long history. We look at its past and present, and contemplate its future. Peer review is a cornerstone of academic publishing. It’s supposed to ensure that published research is of a high standard by drawing on the knowledge of multiple experts in a field to make sure that the new information…

Research sector demands high quality data management.
Higher Education InsightMany of us undoubtedly breathed a sigh of relief when the halt on Australia’s national research quality valuations, Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) and the Engagement and Impact (EI), was announced. But there’s a broader awareness that with recommendations arriving from the Australian Universities Accord committee by the end of 2023, this is less…

The University of Adelaide has upgraded to RME 7
Higher Education Insight, Research Administration, NewsThe upgrade to RME 7 is a big step for the Go8 university. The university’s research systems team have collaborated extensively with ResearchMaster to ensure a smooth roll-out across their systems. The upgraded system offers individual researchers an improved experience in applying for funding and ethics clearance, and better visibility over their own activities. It…

How Can We Arm Research Teams for Success?
Research AdministrationThe research landscape in Australia is complex. Funding is labyrinthine, and even industry professionals struggle to stay abreast of every possible rule change, roll-out, new initiative or reporting requirement. In this industry, recent years have seen abrupt or strange changes to funding rules, new demands on research administration, and unexpected changes to expected reporting requirements.…

Prime Minister’s Prize for Science Announced
Higher Education InsightThe award recognises those who have made outstanding contributions to their area of science with a prestigious honour and $250,000 in cash.

The Top Women in Science
Higher Education InsightA ranking of the top 1000 women in science has been released. Australia hosts 36 of them.

Celebrating 3 more Australian discoveries in health and medicine
Higher Education InsightHealth and medical research is one area in which Australia excels. We look at three recently published studies focusing on health and medical research in Australia.

SES indicates university students are more concerned about education quality than freedom of expression
Higher Education InsightFor the first time the Student Experience Survey has undertaken to measure perceptions of freedom of expression on campus, but it seems students themselves are broadly more concerned with the quality of their education.

Researchers who want to do research are attracted to industry, too
Higher Education InsightConditions in traditional academic roles drive researchers to seek alternative ways to conduct research.

ResearchMaster welcomes RME7.9.0
NewsThe ResearchMaster team is delighted to announce a range of enhancements now available in the ResearchMaster Enterprise (RME) RME7.9.0 release.

5 Top Tips for Competitive Grants Applications
Higher Education InsightThe competitive grants landscape is fraught for Australian researchers. We’ve had a look at notes and advice from across the internet—from government information and ARC reports to university information and blogs on the topic.

New review for Australian Research Council bears watching
Higher Education InsightAfter a tumultuous few years, independent review of the ARC is welcomed as diverse stakeholders recognise weaknesses in its current processes.

Not just universities responsible for Australia’s poor research commercialisation track record
Higher Education InsightCoverage of Australia’s relatively poor track record for research commercialisation focuses on research sector obstacles, but industry also plays a role.

Recent research projects could impact billions of consumers worldwide
Higher Education Insight, HDRThe link between the management of chronic illness and crops we consume as staple foods is an exciting area of interest for these early career Australian researchers.

3 Recent Australian Discoveries You Probably Didn’t Hear About
Higher Education InsightAustralia is home to some of the best researchers in the world, but rarely do we hear about their work in mainstream news. Here’s three fascinating discoveries from recent years.

What are university rankings good for?
Higher Education InsightWhether university rankings are valuable information or rubbish depends on what ranking, what it measures, and how you use it.

Where did university rankings come from, anyway?
Higher Education InsightToday we accept university rankings as business as usual, but the practice is newer than you might think. Today we accept higher education rankings as a global phenomenon: institutions know they’re coming, some might “massage” their data, ranking drops are fretted over, ranking rises crowed from the rooftops—and then the familiar pattern repeats for the next cycle.

A brief history of university education and social mobility
Higher Education InsightUniversities now enjoy a reputation as vehicles for equality and social mobility. But they certainly didn’t start out that way. So how did they arrive there?

Familiar jokes aside, qualifications in humanities, arts and social sciences offer tremendous value
Higher Education InsightCurrent funding policy has been characterised as disincentivising the study of HASS disciplines in Australia, but they actually offer a lot to graduates and to society.

From Gutenberg to the Internet, technology is a driver of education and research
Higher Education InsightThe evolution of technology operates in synergy with higher education and research: the more equal our technology to the challenges of cheap and fast communication, the farther our reach and the more we get to learn from each other.

Research supervision is a vital underpinning of research institutions
Higher Education InsightAcademic supervision is a vital underpinning of research institutions, but recognition is not always concomitant with the influence of the role. Keeping on top of training and development is more important than we think.

Scrapping ERA would be inimical to universities’ interests—here’s why.
Higher Education InsightERA may be an imperfect framework but as proving value attains more eminence by the day, research evaluation becomes critical to universities’ interests.

Could improving wellbeing for academic staff elevate student experience?
Higher Education InsightThe burdens of student support services would appear to position academic staff wellness in opposition to student wellness, but the research suggests they are interdependent

What is the real cost of your research?
Higher Education InsightIt’s hard to say how much a research project is really going to cost, but there are some inelastic expenses that can be counted on and factored in automatically to improve the accuracy and reliability of your costings.

We need to look at research regulation in Australia
Higher Education InsightAustralia’s research is one of our great strengths. But the challenges of managing our research are many and complex.

5 Surprising Australian Technology Innovations
Higher Education InsightAustralia is not typically considered a technology giant. When we think of technology innovation, we probably think about Silicon Valley, modern social media, cryptocurrencies and self-driving cars.

Disruption to the culture of academia might be a good thing
Higher Education InsightWe’ve heard that the government’s efforts to improve research commercialisation seek to create cultural changes in Australian research. That might not be such a bad thing.

Covid-19 made science communication more important than ever—but we’re still having the same problems we had 20 years ago
Higher Education InsightThe covid-19 pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in health research translation, but it is far from the first time we’ve had problems with medical research and misinformation.

Research is vital to our economic and social growth. But how has the pandemic affected our PhD students?
Higher Education InsightPhD students are no strangers to high-stress, low-support work environments. The pandemic has exacerbated existing pressures.

5 life-saving Australian inventions you didn’t know about
Higher Education InsightAustralia celebrates a robust history of medical research and development. Here are five lesser-known inventions that have contributed to the global good.

Funding diversity is the key to resilience for the Australian higher education sector
Higher Education InsightThe pandemic has exposed a weakness in our research funding model in Australia. Instead of switching our overreliance from one source of funding to another, we must diversify to promote stability and resilience.

Emerging technologies and online marketplaces are changing the way students study in Australia
Higher Education InsightDespite its challenges, the pandemic represents an exciting time for technology in higher education. It has accelerated the uptake of digital media and AI among other new innovations.

Australian research is vital to our future
Higher Education InsightResearch underpins not just our economic development but also our community development. Australian research achievements should be celebrated, not forgotten, even as we seek answers to critical questions about funding.

How the pandemic changed research
Higher Education InsightThe covid-19 pandemic changed research, from how we approach collaborations to how we publish and disseminate new knowledge. Here’s some of what we learnt.

Expanding research commercialisation presents new challenges
Higher Education Insight, Research AdministrationUniversities are set up to optimise funding from student enrolments, not to prioritise research commercialisation. Scaling up research commercialisation will require nuanced policy and a cultural shift.

DCA awarded ISO 27001 certification
DCA NewsDatabase Consultants Australia (DCA) is pleased to announce we have been awarded ISO 27001 certification, the international standard that describes best practices for an ISMS (Information Security Management System). This builds on our long-established PCI-DSS certification, expanding the depth and breadth of our security practices.

The 3 reasons why Australia is turning to microcredentials
Higher Education Insight, Research AdministrationBite-sized certifications provide accessible up-skilling to Australian workers and lower risk for employers.

How can Australian universities improve their ability to adapt to regulatory uncertainty?
Research AdministrationSuperficially small, ground-level changes can improve the adaptability of a whole organisation. For universities, cultural change, supporting staff and co-workers, and ensuring high-quality professional communication can make all the difference.

Well managed technology solutions reduce overwork for academic staff
Research AdministrationOccupational stress among academic staff is at an all-time high, but technology can help alleviate the burden.

The Top 3 Things Universities Must Do to Thrive in 2021
Research Administration, NewsUniversities must learn to fully embrace being online, the opportunities afforded by research commercialisation, and administrative flexibility to succeed.

Massey University Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa (Massey) has successfully upgraded to ResearchMaster Enterprise Version 7.5.1 (RME 7.5.1)
Research Administration, NewsThe upgrade from RME5 to RME7 is a significant change and represents a major improvement to the university’s research management administration.
DCA Group appoints Michael McCallum as Chief Executive Officer- ResearchMaster
NewsResearchMaster is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael McCallum as the organisation’s Chief Executive Officer.

Charles Sturt University Upgrades to ResearchMaster Enterprise version 7.6
NewsThe Research Team at Charles Sturt University have successfully implemented a major upgrade to ResearchMaster Enterprise Version 7.6 (RME).

In the wake of Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Bill 2020 research administration is more important than ever
Research AdministrationAustralia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Bill 2020 is the latest piece of legislation concerning foreign interference and national security at a federal level. It requires that states, territories, local governments and public universities notify the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of their foreign arrangements, with the aim of ensuring that such arrangements do not adversely affect Australia’s foreign relations and are consistent with Australia’s foreign policy.

University of the Sunshine Coast Successfully Upgrades to RME7.6
Research Administration, NewsThe University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) has continued the trend of Queensland universities successfully upgrading to ResearchMaster Enterprise Version 7.6 (RME).

ResearchMaster Partnering with Victoria University
HDR, Research AdministrationVictoria University (VU) recently upgraded to ResearchMaster Enterprise Version 7. Hear from the team of both the Research Services and the Graduate Research Office as they share part of their journey

Victoria University of Wellington Successfully Upgrades to ResearchMaster Enterprise Version 7
Research Administration, NewsVictoria University of Wellington (VUW) in New Zealand have successfully completed a major upgrade of ResearchMaster, recently going live with ResearchMaster Enterprise version 7 (RME7) across multiple functionality areas.

2021 ResearchMaster Award for Excellence in Research Management
NewsNominations for the 2021 ResearchMaster Award for Excellence in Research Management are now open.

Is upgrading your research management system worth the effort? Alex Skevofylakas has the answers
Research AdministrationLeading the upgrade of a university enterprise solution can seem like a monumental task when you also have your day job to contend with, how did you find the experience?

Winners Announced: 2021 ACGR Awards for Excellence in Graduate Research Education
HDR, NewsThe Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) has announced the winners of the 2021 ACGR Awards for Excellence in Graduate Research Education and celebrated some of the inspiring work that is happening in Australian universities.

Victoria University implements ResearchMaster Enterprise 7
Research Administration, NewsThe Research Services and Graduate Research team at Victoria University have successfully implemented a major upgrade of ResearchMaster Enterprise latest iteration RME7

ResearchMaster Enterprise 7.6 Latest Release
NewsThe ResearchMaster team is pleased to announce a wealth of new functionality and enhancements now available in the ResearchMaster Enterprise (RME) RME7.6 Release

University of Wollongong wins the 2020 ResearchMaster Award for Excellence in Research Management
NewsCongratulations to Sharon Athanasios and Lorraine Denny who have been awarded the 2020 ResearchMaster Award for Excellence in Research Management.

ResearchMaster Supports ACU Candidature Services Success
HDR, NewsThe ACU Candidature Services team are celebrating after successfully upgrading to the latest iteration of ResearchMaster’s research administration solution, RME7.

ResearchMaster Inaugural HDR Forum
HDRResearchMaster recently hosted an inaugural HDR Forum online, enabling its community of users to share their knowledge and experience and hear from the solution provider and guest speakers across four different sessions.

ResearchMaster selected to partner with Curtin University to deliver Research Management Solution
NewsCurtin University has announced ResearchMaster as their chosen supplier to deliver its Research Management Solution

DCA achieves PCI-DSS certification for data security while processing 20M transactions
NewsDCA has achieved PCI-DSS certification for the 8th consecutive year. Our accreditation includes Service Provider at the highest level (Level 1) as well as Merchant accreditation.

Australian Council of Graduate Research shines a bright light on excellence in research training
NewsAmidst the challenges and concerns it is important to continue to recognise and reward the dedication and excellence that is at the foundation of university research and teaching.

ResearchMaster QPR2020 winner announced
HDR, NewsCongratulations to Wayne Harris from University of Tasmania! An overwhelming number of high calibre applications were received from a diverse range of postgraduate researchers across Australia and New Zealand.

Australians are attaining more higher degrees than ever before, so what is driving them away from university roles?
HDRMore Australians are attaining higher degrees than ever before, but diverse pressures are driving them away from traditional university roles and instead toward industry and business.

Making the most of technology to ease the burden of research administration
Research AdministrationIncreasingly, technology is stepping in to help balance the burden of administration for Australian researchers and the teams that support them. But how do you get the most out of a research management solution?

Leading universities set to benefit from latest RM technology
NewsCQUniversity (CQU) and University of Technology Sydney (UTS) are the latest higher education institutions to benefit from the ResearchMaster Enterprise state of the art technology.

A wonderful time at the 2024 ARMS conference.
NewsIn September, the ResearchMaster team journeyed to Darwin to take part in the annual conference of the Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS). Across the three-day conference, over 500 delegates descended upon the Darwin convention Centre.