Join the ResearchMaster team at ARMS 2024!

The Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) Conference 2024 is right around the corner. Taking place in sunny Darwin, at the well-appointed Darwin Convention Centre, this year’s conference theme is “Global and local research partnerships for a sustainable future.”

Complex research projects and our sustainable future have one important thing in common: they both demand the judicious allocation of scarce resources. That’s why the ResearchMaster team will be seizing this opportunity to offer a demonstration of our Costing and Pricing Tool to attendees at this year’s conference.

It’s a tool we’ve designed to streamline budgeting for projects. It helps research administrators ensure budget transparency and accuracy, right down to often-overlooked line items like consumables or year-on-year personnel cost changes. Once you view the information available via the RME Costing and Pricing Tool, both you and your finance team will consider the RME CPT a “must-have”.

Please join us for a demonstration of our Costing and Pricing Tool:

Date: Thursday 12th of September
Where: Darwin Convention Centre — Waterfront Room 1
When: 12:15 PM to 1:01 PM

Of course, we know not everyone can make it to every industry event. If you cannot catch us at the 2024 ARMS conference, you can learn more about the Costing and Pricing Tool here, and you can always contact the ResearchMaster team to learn more about a product or module.

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