ResearchMaster Enterprise RME7.11 is here.


ResearchMaster is delighted to announce that ResearchMaster Enterprise (RME) RME7.11 has been released. This new version incorporates a range of updates and improvements driven both by our product roadmap and by feedback the RM team has received from our users.

Some of the biggest highlights of RME7.11 are:

  • The ResearchMaster Costing and Pricing Tool has been updated. Users will now be able to view financial activity in the dashboard for projects and for the faculty as a whole. Organisations can also configure the tool to calculate salaries based on defined working days, and the cost of consumables and capital items can be entered directly.
  • We’ve incorporated user feedback and brought our Contracts module into line with many of our other modules by making custom fields available.
  • The Higher Degree by Research module now permits examinations to be totally automated.
  • Integrations with ARC Grants and Content Manager (TRIM) have been updated, and so have our APIs. The modern research landscape demands fast, secure, streamlined connection — from anywhere. Accordingly, we’ve prioritised keeping you connected with our powerful integrations.

Organisations and end-users of RME both benefit from upgrading to the latest version. It provides better compatibility with other applications and services, improved performance overall, and access to new features that can take the heavy lifting out of research administration. For these reasons, we strongly encourage users of RME to upgrade to the most current version where possible.

To learn more about the RME7.11 release, you can read the release notes over at the ResearchMaster client resources portal. If you have any questions, or if you’d like to upgrade, feel free to contact us.

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