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ResearchMaster News

Could an AI win a competitive research grant?

We at ResearchMaster certainly use technology to help streamline the processes that are at the core of the competitive grants process, like smart costing and pricing tools and automatically filling e-forms. But the role of technology in knowledge work remains contested. Criticisms range from fears that AI will allow lazy shirkers to offload their work onto technology with nobody the wiser, to the evergreen anxiety that we will all soon be replaced by robots.

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ResearchMaster News

A brief review of peer review: Where did it come from? Where is it going?

Peer review has a long history. We look at its past and present, and contemplate its future. Peer review is a cornerstone of academic publishing. It’s supposed to ensure that published research is of a high standard by drawing on the knowledge of multiple experts in a field to make sure that the new information…

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ResearchMaster News

The University of Adelaide has upgraded to RME 7

The upgrade to RME 7 is a big step for the Go8 university. The university’s research systems team have collaborated extensively with ResearchMaster to ensure a smooth roll-out across their systems. The upgraded system offers individual researchers an improved experience in applying for funding and ethics clearance, and better visibility over their own activities. It…

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