The ResearchMaster Award for Excellence in Research Management

The Fifth Annual ATEM/Campus Review Best Practice Awards in Tertiary Education Management

ResearchMaster is pleased to once again be sponsoring the ATEM/Campus Review Award for Excellence in Research Management.

This award recognises excellence and leadership in research administration and management at the institutional, organisational unit, team or individual levels through:

  • Demonstrated leadership and/or effectiveness in developing or implementing an innovative research management program or practice.
  • Recognition by their organisation, staff or other stakeholders as showing excellence in research management and leadership.
  • The design and implementation of a program or processes to align research management more closely with institutional goals and strategy

The awards night will be held on Monday 12th September in Auckland, as part of the Tertiary Education Management Conference.

Applications can be lodged between Monday 4th April 2016 and Thursday 30th June 2016.

April 2016

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